
For better or for worse...

It's not that I like to blow my own trumpet. Oh, can the false modesty, I am as pleased as I can be to say that some stuff I wrote recently is going to be performed ON STAGE by PROFESSIONALS. I, and a whole bunch of other local writers, have provided monologues to come out of the mouths of actors. Said monologues have all been lovingly stitched together by the talented production/direction people at Finding the Plot Productions to create an entertainment called "For Better or For Worse", being presented for one night only at the Compass Theatre in Ruislip.
I shall be out this weekend shopping for a broad-brimmed hat, a Llaurence Llewwelllynnn Bowen floppy shirt, a velvet smoking jacket, and a malacca cane, so that I can attend the performance looking just like Oscar Wilde. Without the Reading Gaol-issue jimmy-jams and ball-and-chain, naturellement.

Tickets are selling like crucifixes at a vampire hunters' convention. Mostly to me, I suspect.



Fran Hill said...

That's great news. Nice to have some success. I hope you're going to post the pictures of you in this fabulous get-up you describe.

Mike said...

Baby Girl, The Boy, and their respective other halves have decided to accompany the GLW and I to the theatre. This, I fear, spells the end of my Victorian Dandy ambitions. Fearful old fuddy-duddies, my offspring.

Pinches of salt not provided...

This blog contains mild violence and fantasy spider references, and may allude to imaginary events as if they were actually real. Are you tuning in to me, brothers and sisters?